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Excellence Expedition: Rio Itariri Institute Field Work Conclusion

06-06-2014 10:57

Documento and Olho D´Água Institute representatives successfully concluded, last Wednesday May 4th, the Excellence Expedition visit to Rio Itariri Institute. In this occasion, the joint venture conducted important fieldwork with the community of Pedro de Toledo as means to consolidate the developed Natural Cultural Environment products.

Activities consisted in interviews with relevant local public policy representatives and Rio Itariri Institute´s biologist Aline Regina dos Santos. Aline conceded an important interview as locally born representative and professional over the “Mata Atlântica” biome and its correspondent impact on territorial dynamics.  

For instance, in Pedro de Toledo´s city hall, the team interviewed local policymakers Francisco Geraldo Machado Junior and Hiroyassu Tamashido, who act behind the environmental, tourism, agriculture and social development desks. In this opportunity the team collected testimonials regarding cultural and historical information, key for the consolidation of the initiatives developed by the joint venture with Rio Itariri Institute.